Lions Clubs of Srimushnam and Vriddhachalam Unite for Social Cause: A Mini-Marathon Spreading Awareness

Lions Clubs of Srimushnam and Vriddhachalam Unite for Social Cause: A Mini-Marathon Spreading Awareness

Lion Dr. S. Vijay Bhanu

The Lions Clubs of Srimushnam and Vriddhachalam have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to addressing pressing social issues by organizing tailored programs. Their recent initiative focused on creating awareness about organic farming, combating addictive tobacco, improving labour welfare, and promoting road safety. In a bid to engage the community and raise awareness on these critical issues, the Lions Clubs organized a highly successful mini-marathon, bringing together participants from all walks of life.
The Growing Concern: Cancer Rates and Pesticide Exposure:
Children are particularly vulnerable to the detrimental effects of pesticide exposure, with childhood cancer rates continuing to rise. Studies have revealed that exposure to pesticides during pregnancy and throughout childhood significantly increases the risk of cancer among children. Alarming predictions by experts indicate a 50% increase in cancer patients among Indians over the next 10-15 years. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Lions Clubs decided to tackle this issue along with other pressing concerns.
A Multifaceted Approach: Prioritizing and Raising Awareness:
The Lions Clubs meticulously prioritized a range of social issues and devised an impactful plan to raise awareness about them. Assessing the growing interest in activities such as running and cycling for fitness maintenance, the clubs conceptualized a mini-marathon as the ideal platform to spread awareness about the chosen causes. By combining fitness and social responsibility, they aimed to engage a wide audience and amplify their message.
The Mini Marathon: A Resounding Success:
In collaboration, the Lions Clubs of Srimushnam and Vriddhachalam organized a mini marathon covering distances of 21 km and 14 km for men and women, respectively. The event attracted an impressive turnout, with 1200 men and 190 women participants. Generous cash prizes of Rs 30,000 for first place, Rs 20,000 for second place, and Rs 10,000 for third place were awarded to winners in both the men's and women's categories.
Annual Tradition: Impact and Future Prospects:
Since its inception in 2021, the mini marathon has evolved into an eagerly anticipated annual event. The overwhelming support from local authorities and residents has underscored its success in fulfilling its intended purpose. Notably, principals of schools and colleges have embraced this initiative and acknowledged the positive reception of awareness on organic farming among the wider public. They have pledged to motivate students for increased participation in the coming years. As registrations for the year 2023 are projected to reach 2500, the mini-marathon continues to gain momentum and foster a sense of social responsibility within the community.
 The Lions Clubs of Srimushnam and Vriddhachalam have demonstrated their dedication to addressing pressing social issues by conducting tailored programs and organizing a mini marathon. By raising awareness on organic farming, combating addictive tobacco, improving labor welfare, and promoting road safety, they have made significant strides in fostering a healthier and more socially conscious society. The success of the mini-marathon reflects the growing engagement and support from local authorities, residents, and educational institutions. As the event gains popularity, it is poised to have an even greater impact on the community and inspire future generations to actively participate in creating positive change.