Past International Directors from INDIA

Profile Image
Personal Details
District: 324
Address: Bharath Swift Logistics Pvt. Ltd. 96, Govindan Street, Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600 029, India
Spouse: Lakshmi
Home Club: Madras Sterling Avenue
E-mail: ,
Date of birth: 2014-01-01
Wedding Anniversary: 06-06-1999
Year of joining: 1986
Blood Group: AB +ve
Mobile: 91 9840088288

N S Sankar

Past International Directors from INDIA

N.S. Sankar from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India was elected to serve a
two-year term as a director of Lions Clubs International at the
association’s 97th International Convention held in Toronto, Canada,
July 4 through 8, 2014.
Director Sankar is a businessman.
A member of the Madras Sterling Avenue Lions Club, and a Lion since
1986, he has held many offices within the association, including
district governor, multiple district leadership development chairperson
and trainer/faculty member for all India DG / VDG school programs.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received
numerous awards, including the 35-Member Key Award, Friend of
Humanity Award, 11 Extension Awards and four International
President’s Certificates of Appreciation. He is also a Progressive
Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, Director Sankar is active in numerous
professional and community organizations, including the Free
Masons, the Cosmopolitan Club and the All India Transporters’
Welfare Association.
Director Sankar and his wife, Lakshmi, also a Lion and Progressive
Melvin Jones Fellow, have one son, a daughter and one grand