Board of Directors

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Personal Details
Position: First Year International Director
Address: Vienna, Austria

Dr. Karl Brewi

Board of Directors


Dr. Karl Brewi of Vienna, Austria, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international
director of Lions International at the association’s 106th International Convention in Melbourne,
Australia, June 21 through June 25, 2024.

Director Brewi is fully retired after 40 years of experience in international forwarding and river
shipping. He worked as the owner and managing director of Tanktransport Service Danube.
Director Brewi joined the Regensburg Lions Club in 1991 and transferred to the Wien Marc
Aurel Lions Club in 1994. He is currently an honorary member of the Wien Focus Lions Club.
He has held several offices within the association including club president, club vice president,
club treasurer, district governor, district and multiple district treasurer and Lions Austria
Foundation chairperson, among many other positions. Director Brewi established the Wien
Chronos Lions Club and organized multiple DGE Seminars. He has served as an organizer for
the Lions 100 Jubilee in Vienna, the LDUN Vienna since 2015 and as general secretary and
program manager of the Lions Europa Forum 2023, Klagenfurt.

In recognition of his service to the association, Director Brewi has received numerous awards,
including multiple Lion of the Year Awards, multiple International President’s Awards and
International President’s Medals, LCIF Chairperson Medal and more. He is also a Progressive
Melvin Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lion activities, he has been awarded as an Ambassador of Integration of the
Federal Republic of Austria.

Director Brewi and his wife, Bettina, also a Lion and founder of the Wien Focus Lions Club,
have four children and two grandchildren.

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