Gary F. Brown
LCIF Board of Trustees
Gary F. Brown, from Cape Vincent, New York, USA was elected to serve as international
director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 101st International Convention, held in
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 29 through July 3, 2018.Director Brown worked in the field of investment management for 37 years prior to selling his
firm and retiring from active management in 2018.
Director Brown became a Lion in 1984. He has held a number of offices within the association
including club president, zone chair, district governor, and district leadership development
chairperson. He has also served as council chairperson, multiple district convention chair and
multiple district GLT chairperson. In 2007, he graduated from the MD 20 RLLI, where he would
later serve for nine years as faculty. Also, in 2010, he graduated from the LCI Faculty
Development Institute. As an international director, he served three years as vice chair of the
leadership development committee and two years as part of the executive committee.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received many awards including six
International President’s Awards, an International President’s Leadership Award, numerous
International President’s Certificates of Appreciation, and an Ambassador of Good Will Award,
the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He was also awarded a Progressive
Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award, as well as a Lions of Pennsylvania Fellowship.
Director Brown is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow and a member of the LCIF Legacy
In addition to his Lions activities, he was an active member of the Boy Scouts of America where
he was recognized with the Scouter’s Key, Scouter’s Training Award, and the Award of Merit.
He is passionate about increasing diabetes awareness and education and has become a Certified
Diabetes Paraprofessional in order to do so.
Director Brown and his wife, Lion Barbara, who is also a Melvin Jones Fellow and recipient of
the Robert J. Uplinger Distinguished Service Award, have two sons and three grandchildren.